The PyOperators package is under the CECILL-B license, a BSD-like free software license, with a citation requirement. The source code and development is hosted at github. The current version of the pyoperators package is 0.13.



The pip utility

The pip program allows the installation of Python packages from the internet. It is recommended to use it instead of easy_install, which cannot uninstall packages. If pip is not installed, but easy_install is (or easy_install-2.7), the latter can be used to install the former. First, check that easy_install actually runs the Python interpreter you’re using, by inspecting its first first line of code. Then, type

sudo easy_install pip

The pyFFTW module

The FFTW package and its Python wrapper need to be installed first.

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
sudo pip install pyFFTW
CPATH=${FFTWPATH}/include LIBRARY_PATH=${FFTWPATH}/lib pip install
pyFFTW ---install-option="---install-lib=${MYSOFTDIR}"

python -c "import pyfftw; print('Successful installation!')"
sudo port install py-pyfftw

With MacPort:

sudo port install fftw-3 fftw-3-long fftw-3-single
CPATH=/opt/local/include LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib pip install

With HomeBrew:

brew install fftw
CPATH=/usr/local/include LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib pip install


The easy way

The easiest way to download and install the PyOperators package is by using pip. It will fetch the package and its dependencies from the Python Package Index and install them.

sudo pip install pyoperators

To upgrade an already installed PyOperators package:

sudo pip install ---upgrade pyoperators

The Git way

You can also clone the Github repository, using the version control system Git:

git clone git://
sudo pip install ./pyoperators

This method is convenient to test PyOperators’ development branch but package dependencies must be installed beforehand (see the file for the list of requirements). The package can be updated by typing (if you’ve just cloned the repository, you will obviously not get anything new):

git pull
Already up-to-date.