Rotation3dOperator, about 1 axis (3 conventions), 2 axes (6
conventions, including intrinsic and extrinsic rotations) or 3 axes
(12 conventions)
Spherical2CartesianOperator & Cartesian2SphericalOperator with
conventions ‘zenith,azimuth’, ‘azimuth,zenith’, ‘elevation,azimuth’
and ‘azimuth,elevation’
NormalizeOperator to obtain unit vectors
DegreesOperator & RadiansOperator for degrees/radians conversions
Implement __ne__ for Operators
Add helper function float_dtype. Rename
Add helper functions one, pi and zero, which return a value of the
specified dtype.
API change in Operator’s rule:
in unary rules, use ‘C’, ‘T’, ‘H’ or ‘I’ instead of ‘.C’, ‘.T’,
‘.H’ or ‘.I’
binary rule subjects are now specified by a 2-tuple
use Operator subclass type instead of the string ‘{MyOperator}’
API change: IntegrationTrapezeWeightOperator ->
Under the hood:
benchmark and memory_usage functions moved to a distinct
distribution pybenchmarks
Add test and coverage commands in
Automatically compute adjoint from transpose, transpose from
adjoint, inverse_adjoint from inverse_transpose and
inverse_tranpose from inverse_adjoint
Fix attribute copy during scalar absorption
In binary rules, use ‘==’ instead of ‘is’ in subject matching
In assert_same, allow broadcasting for integer types
Remove obsolete Operator’s isalias method
Make shape_input, shape_output and inplace_reduction non-settable
Take forward FFTW instance dtype into account for the backward
Remove DirectOperatorFactory and ReverseOperatorFactory
DenseOperator output and input shapes can now be implicit. Don’t
rely on this feature yet, it will be changed in future versions.