New operators: ReductionOperator, SumOperator, ProductOperator,
MinOperator, MaxOperator, MinMaxOperator.
New operator IntegrationTrapezeWeightOperator.
New composite operator GroupOperator: same as CompositionOperator,
but without the associativity rules.
New C-ufuncs, used in SoftThresholdingOperator and
Improved asoperator: handle callable, ufunc, matrices, scalars, add
‘constant’ keyword to tell whether scalars should be translated into
HomothetyOperator or ConstantOperator.
RoundOperator: add methods ‘rhtmi’ (round half to minus infinity),
‘rhtpi’ (round half to plus infinity).
Make todense method work with uncontrained output shape operators.
Set dtype to None for DiagonalOperators with only 1 and 0 on the
Set ‘square’ flag automatically for ufuncs. Infer ‘real’ flag from
ufunc’s types.
Fix flags shape_input, shape_output in
CommutativeCompositeOperator and CompositionOperator.
Add ‘idempotent’ flag to RoundOperator and HardThresholdingOperator.
Under the hood:
Make composite operators behave like regular Operators (in terms of
attribute handling and merging) to enable subclassing them.
Implement CompositionOperator and CommutativeCompositeOperator
associativity through binary rules.